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filter_insource_ions() identifies and removes in-source ion clusters based on a Pearson correlation threshold. Groups of co-eluting features with identical retention time are identified and used to generate Pearson correlation matrices. Clusters with self-similarity greater than the user-defined cluster_threshold within these matrices are identified as likely belonging to a single precursor ion and is associated insource ion. Highly correlated ions are identified and removed.

copy_object: mpactr is built on an R6 class-system, meaning it operates on reference semantics in which data is updated in-place. Compared to a shallow copy, where only data pointers are copied, or a deep copy, where the entire data object is copied in memory, any changes to the original data object, regardless if they are assigned to a new object, result in changes to the original data object. We recommend using the default copy_object = FALSE as this makes for an extremely fast and memory-efficient way to chain mpactr filters together; however, if you would like to run the filters individually with traditional R style objects, you can set copy_object to TRUE as shown in the filter examples.


  cluster_threshold = 0.95,
  copy_object = FALSE



An mpactr_object. See import_data().


Cluster threshold for ion deconvolution. Default = 0.95.


A boolean parameter that allows users to return a copied object instead of modifying the object.


an mpactr_object


data <- import_data(
  format = "Progenesis"

data_filter <- filter_insource_ions(data,
  cluster_threshold = 0.95
#>  Parsing 1303 peaks for insource ions.
#>  71 ions failed the insource filter, 1232 ions remain.